The Chase Chronicles


Adding Angels to Healing Sessions

It's been a little while since I've added IET (Integrated Energy Therapy) to healing sessions and the results have been amazing for me as well as my clients.  IET works wonderfully with Reiki and somehow connects all kinds of support during a session.  Many times during sessions, relatives that have crossed over show up to assist with healing for the living.  Friends, parents, grandparents and pets have all found their way to support their loved one on their healing journey.



My First Blog

Thank you for visiting my blog.  My intent is to share some of the visions and impressions I receive from the animals I work with.  Each session is different and each animal has their own unique personality and style.  The animals send me all kinds of things from smells, to emotions to pictures of themselves (or how they see themselves) or their favorite toy.  It is truly an honor and a joy to be able to do this work and give the animals we love a voice and the healing they deserve.



Animal Guidance and Trust

During one of my Reiki II attunements, two very special animals made their presence known to me.  They showed up with giant smiles to let me know I was finally on the right path.  The first was my childhood pet Snooper whom I shared the first 17 years of my life with.  She was a very happy, playful and energetic white toy terrier with a brown spot on her side.  I could actually feel her excitement and even smell her fur.  It was such an unexpected and welcome feeling to know that she is still with me. 

The second was a friend's dog Soccer, the coolest beagle I think I've ever met.  Between Soccer's body language and facial expressions, you always knew what he was thinking or what he was up to.  He's the only dog I've ever seen that could smirk.  Soccer was my very first end of life animal that I offered Reiki to.  It was truly an honor to be able to offer him and his people peace and comfort at such a difficult time.

I believe that these 2 animals showed up during my training to help guide me and to teach me to trust my inner wisdom.  Thank you Snooper and Soccer.  It's nice to know I have your support on this journey and that you're both still very much with me.



A Special Connection With Animals

Animals and I have shared a special connection for as long as I can remember.  I have earned the trust of the most shy cat and the most agressive of dogs.  My empathy, communication and Reiki skills have only enhanced that connection.  Sure, these skills can be learned by anyone just like riding a bike or playing an instrument can be learned.  However, when you can consistently perform before having any training, that's a very special gift that can only be amplified with formal training which I now have and continue to expand.


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